Date of dispatch of this notice: 20/06/2023
Expire date: 17/07/2023
External Reference: eb766d1d-0853-4527-a3ae-43b65f4ef0e6
Date of dispatch of this notice: 20/06/2023
Expire date: 17/07/2023
External Reference: eb766d1d-0853-4527-a3ae-43b65f4ef0e6
Official name: The Borough Council of Calderdale
Address line 1: Town Hall, Crossley Street
Town: Halifax
Postal Code: HX1 1UJ
Country: England
Contact person: Stephanie Gartside
Title attributed to the contract: Clifton Business Park
The Borough Council of Calderdale (the Council) invites you to present your proposals to be appointed as the Council’s delivery partner for the Clifton Business Park project. The purpose of this appointment is to secure the beneficial development of commercial floorspace which will create and safeguard high quality local jobs.
Additional data
User / Company
1. The Council is seeking to establish a long-term partnership through a contractual joint venture with an organisation or consortium (the Developer) which will ensure the delivery of commercial units on the Clifton Business Park site. 2. The Clifton Business Park site is approximately 25.5 ha with planning permission to deliver 52,954 sq m of B1/B2/B8 floor space. 3. The site is in 3 private ownerships, comprising one major private landowner and 2 smaller privately owned parcels of land. The council has failed to reach agreement to acquire the site via private treaty negotiations and has resolved to use its CPO powers to secure the land. 4. It is envisaged that the Council will transfer its land to its appointed Developer within the terms of the Contract Documents at an independently assessed value when phases of land are ready for development. 5. Parties responding to this tender will submit their delivery proposals and financial appraisal for this site, including a programme. 6. To the extent that this is identified by the tender process as necessary, Council approval will be sought to provide capital for site assembly and enabling works.