RFS23/60 - Specialist Stop Smoking Service

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The Council is seeking to commission a Service Provider to design and deliver an accessible stop smoking service that forms an integral part of Wakefield Council Public Health outcomes related to smoking which is in parallel with the National Tobacco Control Plan for England and the national ambition of a Smokefree England by 2030. The Service will deliver all aspects of a specialist stop smoking service. The Service will give particular focus to areas of high smoking prevalence, those from poorer backgrounds, those in routine and manual occupations, pregnant women, people with serious mental health problems, and ethnic minority groups.

14/03/2024 12:00:00

85100000-0  Health services

Wakefield Council
Wakefield One, Burton street
United Kingdom
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Published notices
Contract Notice (CTM public site) 09/02/2024 11:41
Specialist Stop Smoking Service
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